Correspondence from our Fans

Exposures Gallery Show
Jd & Denise Challenger + Friends

Exposures Gallery Show
Jd & Friends
(Percy War Cloud, wearing yellow regalia)

Subject: When will you be at Exposures in Sedona again?
Date: Thu, May 31, 2018
Today we bought LEGEND KEEPER & GOOD THUNDER giclees @ Exposures to add to our collection. We are definite fans and hope to see you again. We met you and Denise at your gallery in Taos a few years ago. We were quite impressed with both of you. We have 4 other of your paintings at home in Globe Arizona.
Hope to see you soon.
Gary & Teresa Jones
Sent: Fri, December 5, 2014 2:18 pm
We have recently purchased a signed and numbered print of the painting “Roams the Plains No More”. We are interested in the story it tells. We appreciate anything you can share or if you can direct us to a site where we can read the story of this painting.
We have become huge fans of New Mexico and JD Challenger’s work.
Thank you, L
Hi L,
‘Roams the Plains No More’ is a reference to the Native Peoples losses in their battle to retain their homeland and their way of life. After they were allotted their reservations and were required to remain on them, they were no longer able to move to the mountains in the summer and the plains in the winter. Their whole way of life changed, and their traditional discourse with the land was greatly curtailed. Jd includes much of this kind of sub-text within his paintings, and this is his way of sharing his sorrow at the treatment of the natives.
Curt Vickers
for Jd Challenger Studio
—–Original Message—–
Sent: Wed, Nov 15, 2017 7:56 pm
Jd –
I met you in August at the Turpin Gallery in Jackson Hole. I had my picture taken with you and told you afterwards my brother was going to be so jealous. You then drew a feather writing: Jimmy, this is an original and signed it. I had the artwork framed and gave it to him for his birthday. He was overwhelmed and said I had made his day which in turn made my day. I just want to thank you again for your generosity. It has meant so much to me. You are a very special man.
– Marylee Barnes

Elizabeth Smith with Jd

Darla and Jerry Watkins
Mainview Gallery, Scottsdale AZ – March 2018