Denise and I support a number of animal rescue organizations and no-kill shelters. Including but not limited to Stray Hearts Animal Shelter in Taos, NM and New Mexico Horse Rescue at Walking in Circles ranch, Edgewood, NM. All of our pets have been rescued or adopted. We ask you to please support any of the many worthy animal rescue organizations and no-kill shelters across the country. If you are looking for a pet, please consider adopting. rescued animals make the best pets ever; they seem to sense that you have saved them and you will find it a very rewarding experience. Also, don’t forget to spay or neuter! Thanks so much!
Now Introducing Our Animal Children

Queen Diva Challenger
Age: 12 years old
“The Diva” as we call her is a Reindeer or Deer-type Chihuahua.
We adopted Diva when she was about 4 months old, she was on her way to being used as a bait dog.
Other Faces of a Diva

Diva the Chihuahua and Sweet Pea, the APBT, playing tug of war. And the winner was . . . Diva, as always!

Diva in her Mexican Sombrero. In honor of the Mexican state of Chihuahua.

Diva loves having her photo taken. This is Diva posing as mini mouse, she only dresses for photos or wears a sweater if she gets cold. We gave her this name, Diva, to build her confidence. Oh boy, did it work!

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete is a Birman cat. He just turned 10 year old.
He was dropped of at our door, cold and underfed. After remaining unclaimed for 2 months, he was quite settled in and happy with our animal household. Pistol Pete and Diva are best pals but we don’t know if the cat thinks it’s a chihuahua or if Diva thinks she’s a cat.
. . . and we will NEVER FORGET these very special friends

An appendix quarter horse, 18 year old gelding. We adopted him from New Mexico Horse Rescue, Walking in Circles Ranch. Punch has been with us for 6 years and he is a very handsome guy.

Best friends, Punch & Cheyenne

Our 4 year old pinto mare and is also adopted. She has been with us since she was 1 year old. She is a very feisty, fun loving girl and oh so beautiful.

“Sweet Pea”
This is Sweet Pea, and as the name implies, she is just the sweetest dog ever. Sweet Pea is 5 years old. We have had her since she was 6 months old and she is an APBT. Sweet Pea likes to get in Diva’s bed and her t-shirt says, “I Can’t Sleep – I Keep Dreaming I’m a Chihuahua!”

Jd & Sweet Pea in the studio.

Finally, meet T-Bone. He is a 1.5 year old Boxer mix (mostly Boxer) very smart and the clown of this group. We rescued T-Bone when he was 8 weeks old from an abusive situation. He is a very smart friendly good boy.

“Spanky the Wonder Dog”
Certified Medical Alert Assistance Dog. Spanky was also an artist in his spare time and was named pet of the year for 2001 in Phoenix, AZ. For his many fundraising projects. He was rescued from a kill-shelter at 7 weeks. Spanky was an APBT and a fabulous ambassador for the breed. Spanky crossed over to rainbow bridge at 12 years.

Our beautiful German Shepard and certified as an assistance dog. Jd adopted her from a German Shepard rescue group when she was at the age of 3 years. They were having problems placing her due to a chronic medical problem with her ears which Jd was later able to control. Casino was a faithful friend and companion to Jd until she crossed over to rainbow bridge at the age of 13.